March 26/17 —-more pictures from Big Bend trip

A very flattering picture of me, by June, which is why I included it. This is when we finally made it to the top of the Laguna Verde trail. There’s a forest up there! Farther down on the valley floor it is all desert. Walked back into the pines and saw a buck with a great rack of horns who was not at all afraid of me but I think something was wrong with him. He staggered a little. Odd.

Lunch at the old ranch house at the bottom of the Blue Creek trail.

Living through the extremely hot summers would probably have been bearable in a stone house like this. That’s the fireplace.

Evelyn taking pictures.

And Happy Birthday to Caroline Woodward-George! Belated, but at any rate best wishes for a great year! They are babysitting the light station at Nootka. Nootka; Land Of Whales. Which is cool because Caroline’s father was from Whales, she is half whelsh.