Monthly Archives: February 2025

February 6/25

More photos from the Yucatan trip and news of Jackson is that he is slowly getting better. His care is really exhausting so I put him at the vet’s in Bandera for boarding and care until Tuesday.

Elvia in heaven Elvia is truly a bookworm and is enormously well-read. This is the Ghandi bookstore in Cancun, and I am amazed and encouraged by the amount of books of all genres, plus translations of the classics that were there.

Ghandi Books has also started its own imprint, I think they are using print-on-demand, but this encourages Spanish-speaking authors and I hope sparks new novels, new books of poetry!


At a restored old hacienda near Merida

Me at the Tren Maya station in Merida

Old and new!

February 1, 2025

too much happening!

A wonderful ten days in Yucatan with friend Elvia, and then home to a visit from my very favorite niece Denise and her husband and daughter and grandkids, and then no rest for me as Jackson my palomino got into a cattle chute and was very seriously injured and now requires a lot of daily care, bandaging, getting meds down him, cold-spraying injuries and so on and so on. I am going to call Bandera Vets to see if they will take him as a patient-care case for a week to give me a rest. It’s just more than I can do.

Plus! tomcat DT got mauled by a dog and had to have his tail amputated. He is now a bobcat. That took a lot of back and forth to the vets, which is 30 miles away over mountain roads. I am actually trying to write a book. From time to time.

Family — Denise and Scott, Ambril and kids

And not least my problem child Jackson the playful, idiotic but gentle palomino who got himself into a cattle chute. If We can keep the infection down he may make it.