Palm Sunday today and Passover starts on the 8th.

And not much to offer on the news front except babies keep getting born no matter what, and no cases yet in the surrounding three or four counties although that may change soon .

Human babies getting born too although I don’t have any pictures from my grand-niece yet but will add as soon as I get them.
Interesting article from Breitbart on the toilet paper shortage, best I’ve read so far;
1.) People are staying home and using the TP at home rather than at work, so use up more personal, household TP.
2.) There are two kinds of TP, commercial and home consumption kinds. The commercial kind is of course more utilitarian and in larger rolls that don’t fit home holders. These are not being sold at WalMart etc., they are sold to hotels, offices in big lots. So people can’t buy them, they are sold in case lots to large business and government organizations.
3.) They come from different paper mills, with different machinery, and are a different supply chain. The paper mills have not yet switched over from one to the other and it might be difficult for them to do so.
So there you go.
My friend April, whose mare just had the baby pictured above, (and another on the way, Easter maybe) had ordered a case of the commercial TP for the big kid’s recreational camp she works for — she heads up the equestrian side of it — and the case is just sitting there as everything is shut down. She is just keeping it dry and safe. She is wondering if she still has a job, given that no kids can come to the camp, but on the other hand there are 60 horses that need care and feeding so not likely she will be let go. It is the most beautiful camp I’ve ever seen.

That’s just the old cabin on the camp lands. The kids accommodations are gorgeous.
The churches here in this little community are doing what they can. Women got together to sew masks and hand them out free, people donated money and material, Living Waters church is making up boxes with TP, bottled water etc. but as Evelyn said, “We don’t know who to give them out to.”
No need for them yet apparently. The feed store is open and receiving re-supply, the General Store is open and by tomorrow, Monday, will require all patrons to wear masks and stand outside in a line and come in a few at a time.
So I had my birthday party — a surprise. All riding friends came to bring presents and have a social distancing party on the front porch!

Very grateful for my friends and relatives; opened my cousin’s box as well, she sent some home-made scarves in leopard pattern and a hammock. It was a great day!
Such silences, no jet trails overhead, very few cars or trucks moving, an economy coming to a halt. Kids at home, no school. Perhaps they are learning about the supply chain, a good thing to know.
Have a peaceful and blessed Palm Sunday/Passover week!