Thursday the 28th I drove to Hunt Texas — a beautiful area — as I was invited to speak to the Village Literary Society of Hunt, a great group of book-loving women who have been together for many years. Marilyn Butcher was the mistress of ceremonies. They were a terrific group! I love book clubs. Books are chosen by the readers, not professors, they aren’t graded, and people can agree and disagree all they want. So their questions are always informed, smart, thoughtful. And of all the groups I speak to, book clubs are most likely to ask technical questions about writing. And they baked me a cake! This is a goodlooking cake.

Is that gorgeous or what?
And March 22 I was in Keller Texas, a suburb of Dallas for another lively group centered on the Keller Library, and they were ready to laugh at all my funny stories, and in fact we laughed through most of the presentation and their questions, too, were astute and very smart. They were really fun. And the security guard asked to have his picture taken with me, said he was a devoted fan of News of the World!
He was a BIG guy.

Also a wonderful trip down to Castroville which I will put up in the next post. I had been invited there by at least three different Castroville historical groups, all intent on saving every last little stone house, we had a lot to talk about as the old stone house Jim and I had restored in San Antonio’s Historic District (King William Historic District) was called the Huth House, and the Huth family was an old Castroville family that were seed dealers. I asked my dear friend Evelyn to come and go with me (she drove) for a free dinner and fun. Those are such good groups of people in Castroville and I’m honored to have been asked to speak and Evelyn was a hit because she’s so pretty and personable — and of German descent too. I will get that post up as soon as I can.
My IT helper guy, Harold Nelson of River PC helped me figure out this new WordPress format and I am still getting used to it.
I read reviews online that said all the new bells and whistles were great for professionals and people who conduct business online but were confusing for computer illiterates like authors and occasional posters. So at any rate, I will get Evelyn to send me photos of the Castroville trip as I was too busy to take any.
And so between then and now the horse girlfriends have been to Big Bend and East Texas, my editor Jennifer Brehl has started on work on The Solitary Photographer (working title) yay!!! and my music group has played now for three different funerals, dear older people, passed away, we sent them off with song.