Author Archives: admin



One of the male Painted Buntings that come to my birdfeeder.

My friend June Chism has an app on her I-pod that gives the birdsong for any species. It is most amazing. We were riding on Allison Swift’s place and heard a low, descending chattering sound and June found it, played it, it was a Scarlet Tanager. Her I-pod chatters, whistles, chirps, and displays a picture of said bird; including the melodious field sparrow.

Jack Vance has died at the age of 96, a brilliant, funny, endlessly imaginative sci-fi wrter although I think he should be called a fantasy writer. I just discovered him.

Riding on the Rio Grande


In March. Cool, windy, rocky, blue skies, movie set on the Rio Grande, long drive to get there, long drive back, reading ‘Battle Of Wits’ at night, good food, good friends June and April, wine, carrying hay at night to Buck in a high wind and hay scattered all over the mountains all the way to Stude Butte.

Ares in April, Rain and Girl In The Future City


Lighthouse Island was supposed to be out in July — then August —now Amazon and Barnes and Noble say October — no matter, it will be out sooner or later. Am starting on a sort of sequel which, like Vance’s The Dying Earth series, takes different characters through the same ecological disaster. Foudn this image of Girl In The Future City in Bing images, so there is Nadia, on a rooftop, calculating her escape route. The only incongruous element in this image is the river.

Ares has brought rain and a birthday.

Loved this book


One of my favorite books and an amazing true story. Two different groups shipwrecked on an Antarctic island within the same year but never ran into each other. One group survived very well, the other fell into cannibalism, starvation and fisticuffs. The difference between the two groups is a study in itself.

Cover for Lighthouse Island, out in July. What do you think?

I’ve been advised not to enable comments, sorry! since otherwise one would spend a great deal of time getting rid of spam and deleting comments by nutcases. Only one comment is allowed and that’s from me and I think it’s stunning.

photography by Jeff George, lightkeeper and photographer of Lennard Island Light Station, Vancouver Island.

photography by Jeff George, lightkeeper and photographer of Lennard Island Light Station, Vancouver Island.



Welcome to my new website. Please be patient as I learn the ropes. I’ll be adding information about my books, schedule, upcoming projects. Check back often to see what’s new!
