Well, not exactly opera, it was the symphony.
Was invited to go with friends to the San Antonio Symphony; extremely talented and dynamic conductor, Sebastian Lang-Lessing whom you see above pinning the oboe with his Do As I Tell You stare. In reality a charming and open man.
First half was Rachmaninoff’s # 2, which was great, but then second half was Bruckner’s # 6 and I thought I would die of sleepiness, boredom and the overwhelming desire to get up and walk around or find the bar and another glass of champagne. Jose and Janis were also fighting to stay alert and look fascinated, we were on the 3rd row from the orchestra. They had friends in the violin section.
It was one of the last at the old Majestic Theater. which is lavish to the point of cartoonishness but I love it, just love it. those balconies in the Star Wars Alhambra style are actually balconies. 
If you’re up there you can go to sleep during the endless repetitions of Bruckner or go ‘Oh God’ to yourself and nobody will see/hear. They are building a new venue, the Tobin Center, opening fall 2014, which I dread. It looks bare and industrial and a bit claustrophobic compared to the gorgeous and overdone old Majestic. 
Ah Well. A wonderful night with Janis and Jose and afterwards off to Mi Tierra for a late dinner and stories from Jose about old San Antonio, the San Antonio of his youth, and all the truly remarkable people he knew — like the man who made all the tiles (by hand) which floor the County Courthouse, and the tiles in Mi Tierra. A great night.